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Sleep Out ~ 2016


3,465 RON

We will be sleeping out in the large yard of Share Café (a social enterprise in Bucharest) between 22:00 hours on the 7th October to 06:00 hours on the 8th October and will be sleeping on the cobbles to raise awareness of homelessness and to highlight a local solution to the phenomena.

In noaptea de 7 spre 8 octombrie Casa Ioana va invita sa raspundeti provocarii Sleep Out. Voluntarii Casa Ioana vor dormi o noapte in aer liber, in curtea Share Cafe din Bucuresti, pentru a atrage atentia asupra situatiei oamenilor fara adapost si pentru a sustine centrele Casa Ioana dedicate femeilor victime ale violentei domestice.

Participantii pot sustine Casa Ioana devenind fundraiseri voluntari pe Glantom.ro. 

Persoana de contact - Dinu Nicoleta (date de contact aici) .


We will be sleeping out in the large yard of Share Café (a social enterprise in Bucharest) between 22:00 hours on the 7th October to 06:00 hours on the 8th October and will be sleeping on the cobbles to raise awareness of homelessness and to highlight a local solution to the phenomena.

Participants will be encouraged to get themselves ‘sponsored’ (family, friends and colleagues donating a fixed amount for each hour spent outside, or a fixed amount for completing the sleep out) with all money raised going to Casa Ioana’s valuable work with women and children experiencing domestic abuse and family homelessness.

Contact person: Dinu Nicoleta (click here for details).

Proiecte susţinute la eveniment

Sleep Out ~ 2016

We will be sleeping out in the large yard of Share Café (a social enterprise in Bucharest) between 22:00 hours on the 7th October to 06:00 hours on the 8th October and will be sleeping on the cobbles to raise awareness of homelessness and to highlight a local solution to the phenomena.

Proiect susţinut de:
Ing Romania Romanian American Foundation